Empower Locally, Thrive Globally.

Empower Locally, Thrive Globally.

Empower Locally, Thrive Globally.

A World of Opportunity, One Click Away.

Student Scoring


Scholarship Financial Opportunities

13 | $250K

Scholarship Financial Opportunities

13 | $250K

Personalized Learning Pathways

Leveraging Ai to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, interests, and learning styles of individual users.

Based on this data, design a custom curriculum tailored to each user's needs, ensuring they acquire the most relevant skills.

Adaptive Tutoring: AI companions evolve to understand the learner's strengths and weaknesses.

Learning and Development

Intuitive Education Routes: Our EduTech platform uses machine learning to develop versatile education routes that alter according to the visitor's achievements and learning methods.

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Best for individuals who wish to upskill themselves in the global economy.

$9.98 /mo

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Recognized Certification

Unlimited job search

Access CV GPT

Business & Governments

Best for businesses and communities that wish to actively combat brain draining.

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Recognized Certification

Guaranteed job placement

Access to Global Marketplace

Access to continuous studies premium

Plug into the Global Network

Access Fund Finder, Grant, CV and Procurement GPT tool.

Ready to get started?

Choose a plan fits to your needs.

Best for individuals who wish to upskill themselves in the global economy.

$9.98 /mo

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Recognized Certification

Unlimited job search

Access CV GPT


Best for businesses and communities that wish to actively combat brain draining.

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Contact us

Recognized Certification

Guaranteed job placement

Access to Global Marketplace

Access to continuous studies premium

Plug into the Global Network

Access Fund Finder, Grant, CV and Procurement GPT tool.

Ready to get started?

Choose a plan fits to your needs.

Best for individuals who wish to upskill themselves in the global economy.

$9.98 /mo

Contact us

Recognized Certification

Unlimited job search

Access CV GPT


Best for businesses and communities that wish to actively combat brain draining.

Book a demo

Contact us

Recognized Certification

Guaranteed job placement

Access to Global Marketplace

Access to continuous studies premium

Plug into the Global Network

Access Fund Finder, Grant, CV and Procurement GPT tool.

Intuitive E-Learning Transforming Tomorrow, Together.

Made by Happly.ai

© BrainGains.Ai 2023

Intuitive E-Learning Transforming Tomorrow, Together.

Made by Happly.ai

© BrainGains.Ai 2023

Intuitive E-Learning Transforming Tomorrow, Together.

Made by Happly.ai

© BrainGains.Ai 2023